GSM or GPRS or 3G employ a wide range of frequencies ranging from 824MHz to 2400MHz but packaging restrictions and size allowances does not allow a big antenna to be packaged inside the module and hence we have to use the PCB antennas which are also known as microstrip antennas.
to connect to the network They are usually printed on PCBs small enough to fit inside the module and connected to transmitter and receiver with thin wires.
To transmit the radio waves current is supplied between the antenna and ground plane.
It also comes with a standard coaxial 2DBI 15cm long IPEX connector to directly connect with the RF module that you have which require an external antenna to work.
You can directly connect it to SIM800, SIM900, SIM908 GSM Modules.
Dimensions: 35x6mm
Frequency: 842 to 2400 MHz
Connectivity: UFL Connector
Antenna wire length: 115 mm
Antenna gain: 2dB
Small and durable antenna module
Standard IPEX connector to allow plug and play usage
Supports SIM800, SIM900, SIM908 Modules
Package Contents
1× GSM/GPRS/3G Built In Circuit Board Antenna
آنتن PCB GSM
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ماژول گیرنده و فرستنده رادیویی NRF24L01
۴۹,۰۰۰ تومان
ماژول وایرلس SI4432 دارای برد یک کیلومتر و فرکانس 433MHz
۱۶۵,۰۰۰ تومان
کانکتور IPX UFL
۴,۵۰۰ تومان
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